REMÍREZ DE GANUZA in Naples Wine Festival.
Signature wineries target wealthy Americans. Philantrophy continues to be a key platform to promote premier wines from Spain among the rich and famous. One of Spain’s premier wineries, Remírez de Ganuza (Rioja DOCa), will represent the supreme expression of the Tempranillo grape and one of Spain’s top wine designations of origin at Naples Wine Festival, an elite lifestyle event that has been ranked by the Luxury Institute as one of the top 10 arts and entertainment events for wealthy Americans. Remírez de Ganuza produces some of Spain’s most elegant wines and their labels have always been ranked on the top tier of wines from the world. Fernando Remírez de Ganuza will star at feature vintner dinners in which he will share the magic of their best bottles from Spain in intimate, exclusive private dining experiences at one of sixteen elegant homes in Naples. The culinary talents of great world chefs will complement the vintners expertise at each dining experience. Twenty-three celebrity chefs from across the nation will take part in the Festival. Vintners will also take part in a farewell celebration brunch, to be held at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort Naples. Scheduled for next January 29th through the 31st, 2016, this festival is an annual event that for more than a decade has been considered of the most successful charity wine auctions in the United States, bringing many of the world’s finest vintners and chefs together with wine collectors and philanthropists for a three-day gala in picturesque Naples, Florida. Proceeds from the event benefit local Florida charities that assist underprivileged and at-risk children. Since its inception in 2001, the Naples Winter Wine Festival has raised over USD $ 135 for children in need. With one of the highest per capita incomes and an even higher proportion of millionaires per capita, Naples is considered one of the wealthiest cities in the United States.